Communications strategy main page
Part 1: Who we are
Part 2: What we want to communicate
Part 3: Staying effective
Part 4: Supporting documentation / communications framework
Our public audience
These areas are covered in greater detail in our Education, Training, and Publicity action plans which can be found in Part 4.
We have segmented our audience into three age groups: 0-16 years, 17-24 years and 25 years plus. To reach people in these groups we will need to employ appropriate means of communication, recognising that they may access information in different ways. With that in mind, for each segment we will:
Learn from our evaluation about what works well so that we can apply these lessons across our communications and other activity
Stay responsive to changes in social media, researching the potential of new and different platforms to see if they can be used to reach emerging audiences
Maintain and develop channels of communciations with traditional media outlets while also identifying other individuals and organisations who have influence over our priority audiences
Following the success of the data portal and collision dashboards, investigate opportunities to develop interactive tools for user education and engagement on the SYSRP website
Utilise the website as a central hub for our training, advice and information services, and as a way of encouraging members of the public to register/sign up for our structured activities
0-16 years
Road users in this age group are primarily pedestrians, pedal cyclists and car passengers, with some teenagers also being powered two-wheeler (P2W) riders. We recognise that they will become drivers and P2W riders as they get older. The principal way in which we will engage with this audience is through schools and via parents/carers. Targetted advertising and social media also present opportunities to reach 0-16 year olds, however we must recognise that communication trends in this cohort can change rapidly.Key areas to address in this age group are:
In car safety:
Correct use of car seats and wearing seatbelt
Not distracting the driver
Pedestrian safety:
Safe paces to cross
Green cross code
Being visible to other road users (be bright, bright, be seen)
Cycle safety:
Correctly-fitted cycle helmets
Being visible to other road users (be bright, bright, be seen)
Training opportunities
P2W safety:
Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)
Travelling at appropriate speeds
Training opportunities
17-24 years
Road users in this age group will include all modes of travel. Our primary focus is on car users, car passengers, powered two-wheeler riders, pedestrians and pedal cyclists.The principal way in which we will engage with this audience is through educational establishments (schools, colleges and universities), employer engagement, community events and via the website and social media. Targetted advertising also presents opportunities to reach 17-24 year olds.Key areas to address in this age group are:
Driver safety:
Wearing seatbelts
Not using a mobile phone while driving
Driving/riding at an appropriate speed for the conditions of the road
Not driving/riding under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
Look out for vulnerable road users
Take a second look for cyclists and P2W riders
Passenger safety:
Wearing seatbelts
Not distracting the driver
Not exacting peer pressure or encouraging risky driving
P2W safety:
Wearing PPE
Travelling at appropriate speeds
Training opportunities
Pedestrian safety:
Safe paces to cross
Green cross code
Being visible to other road users (be bright, bright, be seen)
Cycle safety:
Being visible to other road users (be bright, be seen)
Wearing PPE, including correctly fitted cycle helmets
Being aware of other road users
Training opportunites
25 years plus
Road users in this age group will include all modes of travel. Our primary focus is on car users aged 25-29, drivers aged over 60, P2W riders, pedestrians and pedal cyclists. The principal way in which we will engage with this audience is through employer engagement, community events, through specialist retail outlets, via the website and social media, and through traditional press media. Targetted advertising also presents opportunities to reach those over 25.Key areas to address in this age group are:
Driver safety:
Wearing seatbelts
Not using a mobile phone while driving
Driving/riding at an appropriate speed for the conditions of the road
Not driving/riding under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
Look out for vulnerable road users
Take a second look for cyclists and P2W riders
P2W safety:
Wearing PPE
Appropriate speeds
Training opportunities
Pedestrian safety:
Safe paces to cross
Looking before stepping into the road
Not crossing between parked cars
Being visible to other road users (be bright, bright, be seen)
Cycle safety:
Being visible to other road users (be bright, be seen)
Wearing PPE, including correctly fitted cycle helmets
Being aware of other road users
Training opportunities
For further information about SYSRP and our campaigns and initiatives, or if you have any queries, then contact us using this form or drop an email to
To keep up-to-date with our many events and initiatives around South Yorkshire then follow us @SYSaferRoads.