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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership

How to find us

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The information you provide by submitting this form will be used by staff from organisations within the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership to handle your query in line with our privacy policy (which you can read by clicking here). We won't use your information for any other purpose.

Contact us

The Partnership Support Team is made up of a Partnership Co-ordinator, Partnership Data Analyst and Partnership Media Officer.

The team is based at:  Howden House, 1 Union Street, Sheffield, S1 2SH.


Media enquiries: : Media Officer Amy Westby or 07500 127643

Office Hours:  Mon-Fri 08:00 - 16:30

Please note - all road safety education, engineering and enforcement is now carried out by partners. There is no longer a central delivery team.

A number of road safety interventions take place at the Lifewise Centre in Rotherham (see map). 

This centre is managed by South Yorkshire Police's Community Safety Team.
