Nationally, inappropriate speed contributes to around
12% of all injury collisions reported to the police,
13% of crashes resulting in a serious injury and
24% of collisions that result in a death. This includes both ‘excessive speed’, when the speed limit is exceeded, but also driving or riding within the speed limit when this is too fast for the conditions at the time (for example, in poor weather, poor visibility or in an area of high pedestrian activity).
Speeding traffic can also create fear, which means that people are deterred from making active travel choices, limiting their opportunities and denying them the many benefits that cycling and walking can bring.
As a Partnership we shall endeavour to do all we can to manage speeds on the road network, but ultimately it is the responsibility of all drivers and riders to drive within the speed limit and at a speed which is appropriate for the conditions at the time. Partners across South Yorkshire will continue to work together to deliver their respective duties; educating road users about their responsibility to use our roads safely, designing and maintaining roads to provide clear visual and physical cues of what the speed limit is and enforcing speed limits and road traffic laws.
here to find a full list of options relating to speeding concerns.