Communications strategy main page
Part 1: Who we are
Part 2: What we want to communicate
Part 3: Staying effective
Part 4: Supporting documentation / communications framework
Report on our previous communications strategy
The previous communications strategy was published in 2013 and was revised in 2015. The aims and objectives were to:
raise the profile of the Partnership and the activities it promotes to encourage participation
influence attitudes and bring about changes in behaviour which result in safer road use in a bid to reduce the number of people injured
improve internal communications with organisations making up the Partnership
The strategy listed 21 steps that the Partnership should take to deliver on these objectives. These steps included diversifying our range of communications channels, being more proactive in using the media to disseminate our messages, making the most of emerging technologies such as web and social media platforms and building the SYSRP brand and reputation.
We have, generally, been successful at adopting these steps. However, there are some areas where we have not performed as well as we would like. Internal communications and sharing news and best practice within the Partnership remains an issue of concern. We also have more to do in bringing more consistency to our communications activity and sharing our key messages.
The strategy provided a stable framework around which our traditional communications activity has been undertaken. However, the landscape has changed somewhat in the intervening years with the continued evolution of social media, the launch of a standalone SYSRP website and the appointment of a dedicated Safer Roads Partnership Media Officer.
With the introduction of ‘Making South Yorkshire Roads Safer: A Safer Roads Partnership Strategy 2017-2026’ last year there has been a structural change in how the Partnership works; now focussing on priority age groups (0-16 years, 17-24 years and 25 years plus) rather than the six road user themes. To support the delivery of this strategy, our communications requirements for the coming years will change.
For further information about SYSRP and our campaigns and initiatives, or if you have any queries, then contact us using this form or drop an email to
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