Communications strategy main page
Part 1: Who we are
Part 2: What we want to communicate
Part 3: Staying effective
Part 4: Supporting documentation / communications framework
Community engagement protocol
To download a PDF version of the community engagement protocol follow the link below.
General principles
We will consider requests from all group and event organisers, however we cannot guarantee that we will attend them all. Our criteria for which events we will attend is set out below. As well as taking event requests, we will proactively seek opportunities to engage with priority audiences, including events and venues that have not previously been explored.
As a general rule SYSRP will not attend events which explicitly further the aims of a particular political party, religious group or promotes discrimination based on age, disability, race, religion, belief, gender, sex or sexual orientation.
We set an annual target for the number of events that we will attend over the year, operating from January to December. Requests are considered on a first-come, first-served basis subject to capacity. Where possible we will seek to increase our capacity by drawing on staff and resources from Partner organisations. We will strive for an equal allocation of events across the four local authority areas in South Yorkshire.
We will continue to consider requests even if our target is surpassed, subject to capacity.
Due to staff resource and availability, we will generally not commit to more than 12 weekend public events (plus three weekend events at the Lifewise Centre) in a calendar year. Where we do attend weekend events, we will strive for an equal balance across the four local authority areas in South Yorkshire. As our weekend activities are restricted, we will apply stricter criteria on which events we will consider, focusing on events which allow us to reach our target audiences. Where possible allocation for weekend events should take place in advance of the calendar year so that they can be planned around. Additional weekend events above the 12-limit quota can only be authorised by the Community Engagement Officer and the Safer Roads Manager.
Wherever possible, to enhance our presence at events and build capacity within our team, we will draw on our pool of volunteers. Our staff and volunteer selection for each event will be based on experience and knowledge.
Presence at events is a significant part of our safer roads strategy, and as such should contribute towards its delivery. For each event we will estimate the number people we will engage with, broken down into priority groups. These estimations and subsequent event evaluation will be guided by an appropriate logic model, either one specifically written for the event or the event category.
Where SYSRP is expected to pay to attend an event, we will consider this against the potential to deliver key messages to priority audiences against our targets.
For monitoring purposes, SYSRP defines an event as:
an activity which members of the public can attend (for example, Rotherham Show, Sheffield Christmas Lights switch on)
an activity for a closed audience organised by the SYSRP Central Team, or one of our Partner agencies, for a specific community or special interest group (for example, Safer Driving at 60 Plus, Highways England Open Day)
an activity for a closed audience where participation is not compulsory or part of a structured training programme (for example, InMotion sustainability events, IKEA staff safety day)
The following activities are not classed as events under this definition:
Safer Driving at Work employer visits where specific training sessions are being delivered
Criteria for selection
Logistical considerations
Should the request be redirected to another party? (for example, local authority road safety team)
Do we have staff or volunteers with the relevant skills and experience available to cover the event?
Are our vehicles (community engagement vehicle, Subaru, Fire Bike for example) available, and do we have staff to drive them?
Is there a cost to attend? (paying to attend an event does not automatically discount the possibility)
Are the relevant insurance covers and risk assessments in place?
Is the event on a weekend?
Strategic considerations
Does the event give us access to a priority audience?
How many people are we likely to engage?
What key message(s) can we promote?
What evaluation data do we have from similar or previous events of this type?
What SYSRP assets (subject to availability) can be utilised? (for example, community engagement vehicle, brake reaction tester)
Is our presence at the event a requirement? (for example, condition of funding, partnership agreement)
Are there any protocols in effect that would restrict or suspend our activities? (for example, fatals protocol)
Can presence at the event unlock further opportunities for engagement later? (for example, provide business contacts)
Process for booking
The Community Engagement Officer (CEO) will assess whether we will accept invitations or register for events based on the criteria outlined above in consultation with the SYSRP Central Team, principally the Safer Roads Manager and the Media Officer.
Where a request should be redirected to another party in the first instance, the CEO will give them first refusal opportunity. If they do not come back to us within the specified time period we will proceed with the booking as normal.
The CEO will liaise with other members or the SYSRP Central Team, relevant Partners and external stakeholders (for example, South Yorkshire Safety Cameras, Highways England, CycleSheffield), and volunteers to provide event cover, and will complete and submit any necessary event booking forms and provide any risk assessments and insurance indemnities as required by the organiser.
The CEO will book any required resources (for example, Subaru, bikes, driving simulator, BATAK machine, brake reaction tester and so on).
The CEO will create a new or provide an existing a logic model to govern our activities and will, where necessary, arrange briefings for staff and volunteers. Once confirmed in the calendar, the CEO will let the respective local authority road safety team know date and times of event and what we are planning to deliver. This will give the local authority road safety teams an opportunity to contribute towards/get involved with the delivery of the event.
The CEO will update the central calendar on the South Yorkshire Police (SYP) Outlook system, the SYSRP activities and events calendar on the SYP shared drive and will inform the Media Officer so that the public calendar on the website and staff version on the members’ area can be updated.
Event evaluation
An evaluation framework should be decided before the event takes place, based on the relevant event logic model. Post event evaluation should be completed and entered into RS Evaluate as quickly as possible after the event. Data from event evaluation should be considered for the next time the opportunity to attend that event, or a similar one, comes up.
Communications framework
Name |
Community engagement protocol |
Version |
1.0 |
Last updated |
28 June 2018 |
Review schedule |
Annual, ahead of calendar year |
Review date |
31 December 2019 |
Review body |
Safer Roads Practitioners’ Group |
For further information about SYSRP and our campaigns and initiatives, or if you have any queries, then contact us using this form or drop an email to
To keep up-to-date with our many events and initiatives around South Yorkshire then follow us @SYSaferRoads.