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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership
The Safe System
The Safe System is widely viewed as best practice when it comes to casualty reduction and working towards Vision Zero.

SYSRP signed up to Vision Zero in 2022 setting an initial target to halve KSIs by 2030.

Our partners are committed to taking bold action and putting the Vision Zero ambition at the heart of everything we do.
The responsibility for its success is shared by all, including those who have a role in designing, building, operating and managing our network as well as everyone that uses it.

You can find examples of our road safety interventions here.

The Safe System Action Plan:

To work towards Vision Zero, the Partnership will operate using the Safe System method: a multi-agency approach that places road safety at the centre of traffic system planning, design, operation and use.

The approach stems from the belief that every road death or serious injury is preventable and is built upon two basic facts about people:

  1. People make mistakes and will make mistakes when on the roads

  2. People are vulnerable to being killed or seriously injured if they are involved in a crash.

The Safe System recognises these facts and seeks to design them out of the equation.

Put simply, this means that all elements of the road system - vehicles, infrastructure, speed limits, road users, and post-crash care - work together as one to minimise the chance of a crash, or, if a crash does take place, to prevent death or serious injury from occurring.

Under the Safe System there are five themes for action.

  • Safe Vehicles - reducing risk posed by vehicles.
  • Safe Road Users – encouraging safe behaviours of people using our roads.
  • Safe Speeds - encouraging speeds appropriate to the street.
  • Safe Roads and Roadsides - designing an environment forgiving of mistakes.
  • ​Post-Collision Response - learning from collisions and improving justice and care for victims.

Partners will use targets and safety performance indicators (SPIs) to measure success and report progress.

For further information about SYSRP and our campaigns and initiatives, or if you have any queries, then contact us using this form or drop an email to

To keep up-to-date with our many events and initiatives around South Yorkshire then follow us @SYSaferRoads.

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26 Jul 2024
August is National Road Victims Month - a time to think about all those families impacted by the devastation caused by a road traffic collision.
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