Communications strategy main page
Part 1: Who we are
Part 2: What we want to communicate
Part 3: Staying effective
Part 4: Supporting documentation / communications framework
The targets in our previous communications strategy were largely based on process rather than outcome. While that has helped stimulate and focus our communications activity, we are moving towards an evaluation-based approach across the board, and as such our communications targets should reflect this. With this in mind we are adding new targets on top of our existing ones.Our annual targets will be published in the annual development plan, but they will contribute to the following overall goals:
- Reach 400,000 per annum people with a road safety message through our official campaigns over three years
- 387,000 through paid for advertising per year
- 2,500 through face-to-face engagement at events per year
- 500 through centrally-organised training sessions per year
- 10,000 through the website
- Double our following on social media over three years – to 2,000 Facebook page likes and 6,000 Twitter followers
- Issue at least 1,000 original tweets and 500 Facebook posts per year
- Increase traffic to the website by at least 10% per year
- Issue at least 50 news articles on the SYSRP website each year, accounting for at least 20% of web traffic
- Promote eight road safety campaigns per year
For further information about SYSRP and our campaigns and initiatives, or if you have any queries, then contact us using this form or drop an email to
To keep up-to-date with our many events and initiatives around South Yorkshire then follow us @SYSaferRoads.