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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership
31 Jan 2023

That’s the call from PACTS (Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety), as it marks 40 years since seat belt legislation first came into effect.

Data shows around 30% of people who died in cars in 2021 were not wearing a seat belt – some 200 men, women, and children.

This is despite the fact that most drivers and passengers now comply without a second thought. 

An observation survey, carried out by the Government in the autumn of 2021, found just under 95% of drivers (in all vehicle types) were wearing a seatbelt.

The fine for not wearing a seat belt currently stands at £100. 

PACTS says for many drivers this is no deterrent, adding that unlike the much stiffer penalties for mobile phones, speeding or drink driving, it fails to convey the safety importance of belting up.

To coincide with the anniversary, PACTS president Barry Sheerman MP has tabled a bill to make failure to wear a seat belt an endorsable offence. 

David Davies, PACTS executive director, said: “A seat belt halves the chance of death in a crash – but only if you wear it. 

“If the Government is serious about reducing deaths on the road, then stiffer penalties must be introduced to change the attitudes and behaviours of this forgetful or reckless minority. 

“The current £100 fine does not emphasise to drivers the seriousness of the risk and is out of step with the offences. PACTS is calling for a package of measures and penalty points are essential.”
