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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership
10 May 2022
Families across South Yorkshire are being challenged to stride towards a more sustainable future as part of Walk to School Week.

The five-day challenge, starting on Monday (16 May), raises awareness of the benefits of walking to school and gives pupils the chance to win awards for taking part.

Organised by UK charity Living Streets, the initiative also forms part of National Walking Month.

A spokesperson for Living Streets said: “This fun and engaging week-long activity for primary schools has been built to make pupils experience first-hand the importance of walking to school.

“Through this challenge, children will be well on their way to reaching their recommended 60 minutes minimum of physical activity per day before even arriving at the school gates.

“It will also reduce congestion and air pollution as well as improving road safety.”

Living Streets’ mission is to inspire people to walk more, to create better walking environments and to make walking the natural choice for everyday local journeys.

Last year, more than 350,000 pupils across the UK took part in the Walk to School challenge and it is hoped that the 2022 #PowerUP video-game theme will encourage even more young people to join in.

“Pupils will be encouraged to travel sustainably to school every day of the week, earning stickers as they go along, with a special reward up for grabs at the end of the week,” added the spokesperson.

“The challenge will take pupils through five, video game-inspired levels. In the process they’ll learn about the social, road safety, health and environmental benefits of walking, encouraging sustainable travel habits for life.”

Pupils who are unable to walk all the way to school, can still earn a badge by asking parents to park further away from the gates and walk the last few minutes into school. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are also encouraged to take part by walking, travelling by wheelchair or by mobility scooter.

For more information visit:

Safer Roads will be sharing top tips and information all next week – just follow @SYSaferRoads #PowerUp.